Not long now folks until the BabyJazz "Time To Play" Album release!
We are in the final agonizing stages of mixing and mastering and hope to have it with you before Xmas.
Available for download through CD Baby and itunes "Time To Play" is packed full of 10 original tunes to get your little one in the mood for fun and play whether you are at home, in the car or out and about.
Never forgetting our audience are the most discerning of little listeners the tunes offer a range of styles and themes from the all out Latin vibe of "Good Day" to the Calypso leaning "I am A Little Turtle", the Bebopish "Can You Scat Scat?" to the Southern Soul of "I Love My Car" to the soothing 50's vibe of "Sleep Now Baby".
Ruby says;
"This is the first time I have written and produced a whole Album and I am so looking forward to seeing what our BabyJazz Mums, Dads and most importantly the Babies think!
Its nerve wracking doing it all yourself but also deeply satisfying and with the wonderful playing of the BabyJazz Family Band and the guidance and support of Matt Mole at WoodChip Studio's I am confident the essence of BabyJazz has been captured!"
To get your toes twitching here is a sneak preview of our "BabyJazz Blues" for all the Mums and Dads, recorded live just before our Recording session September 2015.
'Time To Play' Recorded by Kim Murray Guitar, DavidX Beatbox, Andy Hamill Double Bass, Sean Hargreaves Piano and Ruby Barker vocals