BabyJazz shortlisted for two 2019 Hoop London Awards

For a second year running BabyJazz has been shortlisted for Hoop London’s 2019 Awards. This year we are doubly pleased to be nominated in two award categories! Voting is open now until 27 March.

Best for Toddlers (1-3yrs)

Best for Music, Dance and Drama

No need to vote in every category, just the ones you want. And every voter will automatically be entered to win £500 to spend on family classes and activities in 2019!

If you want to, you can also nominate BabyJazz in the ‘Other’ category for ‘Best for Baby’ Award and name Ruby or Kim as a ‘Hoop Hero’.

If you have any questions email Please vote and share with friends. Thank you for all your support!

x BabyJazz

Hoop Awards 2019 - Shortlist Instagram Artwork.jpg